Search results for work zone

Identification of Work Zone Crash Characteristics

…1.5 Report Organization 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Work Zone Crash Studies 3. WORK ZONE CRASH CHARACTERISTICS OF INDIVIDUAL STATES FROM THE SWZDI REGION 3.1 Work Zone Crash Characteristics – Iowa 3.2 Work Zone Crash Characteristics – Kansas 3.3 Work Zone Crash Characteristics – Missouri 3.4 Work Zone Crash Characteristics –…

Understanding the Impacts of Work Zone Activities on Traffic Flow Characteristics

…non-work zone day speed-flow plots for Eastbound I-270 from McDonnell Boulevard to Route 36 (bridge work, 4,2)………………54 Figure 5.3.8. Comparison of work zone versus non-work zone day speed-flow plots for Westbound I-270 from I-170 to 367 (pavement work, 3,2) ………………………………………..55 Figure 5.3.9. Comparison of work zone versus non-work zone day…

Evaluation of Work Zone Safety Using the SHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Study Data – Volume 2 Description of Research

…of the work zone conditions and reacted accordingly. For instance, drivers may have slowed before particular work zone features because they were anticipating changing conditions in the work zone rather than reacting to particular work zone features. • Work zones are complicated entities. Even with a sample of several hundred…

Evaluation of Work Zone Speed Limits: An Object and Subjective Analysis of Work Zones in Missouri

work zones. (c) Establish work zone speed limits on the basis of factors specific to individual projects. Evaluation of Work Zone Speed Limits: An Objective and Subjective Analysis of Work Zones in Missouri 5 NCHRP Project 3-41 makes the following recommendations regarding work zone speed limit implementation (Migletz et al.,…

Work Zone Data Management Applications and Opportunities

…ability to distinguish work zones involving mobile work operations, such as pavement striping and pothole patching, from work zones involving stationary work. A total of 45% of respondents indicated that information distinguishing mobile from stationary work is available for none or only some of the work zones, while 27% said…

Analytical Methods for Work Zone Travel Time Reliability

…main objective of this study is to provide a framework for developing analytical methods for estimating work zone travel time reliability, considering various factors such as traffic volume, work zone configuration, and work zone intensity. The framework covers aspects of work zone selection for the model, evaluating each work zone

Determining the Effectiveness of Graphic-aided Dynamic Message Signs in Work Zones

…more severe than non-work zone crashes; 4. Rear-end crash was the most frequent crash type in work zone crashes. Same- direction sideswipe, angle collision and head-on collision were also frequently found in work zone crashes. Truck-involved crashes were more frequent and severe in work zones; 5. Most work zone crashes…

Extension of Safety Assessment Tool for Construction Work Zone Phasing Plans

…two-lane work zone required variables ……………………………………………………..38 Figure 7.7. Urban multi-lane highway work zone required variables …………………………………….39 Figure 7.8. Arterial work zone required variables ……………………………………………………………….39 Figure 7.9. Ramp work zone required variables ………………………………………………………………….40 Figure 7.10. Work zones on signalized intersection (4-leg) required variables ……………………….40 Figure 7.11. Work zones on unsignalized intersection…

Examining Driver Behavior in Response to Work Zone Intervention: A Driver Simulator Study

…areas. Work zone objects were placed in each area according to work zone activity level. High activity areas had the following number of objects in each 500-ft segment of the 4000-ft work zone area: • 1 dynamic work zone vehicle or 1 dynamic worker • 4 static work zone vehicles…

Best Practices for Managing Work Zone Data

…and Response Collection 2.3 Survey Summarization Chapter 3 Work Zone Data Collection 3.1 Work Zone Data Sources 3.2 Data Elements 3.2.1 Work Zone Location 3.2.2 Work Zone Time 3.2.3 Work Zone Lane Configuration 3.2.4 Work Zone Traffic Control 3.2.5 Other Data Elements 3.3 Work Zone Data Archiving 3.3.1 Database Type…

Traffic Management Strategies for Merge Areas in Rural Interstate Work Zones

Zones 24 There have been a number of attempts to develop systems which improve safety or the capacity of work zone lane mergers. Safety-related devices generally attempt to slow drivers approaching work zones through a number of strategies or protect the workers in the work zone through alarms, remote controlled…

Calibration of Highway Safety Manual Work Zone Crash Modification Factors

…of effort required for performing work zone safety studies, because different data sources need to be cleaned and then fused together. Three types of data are required: work zone characteristics such as length, duration, location, and type; work zone traffic characteristics; and work zone crash characteristics. Thus the work zone

Traffic Impact Assessment of Moving Work Zone Operations

… PTV Group. 2013. PTV Vissim 7 User Manual. Ullman, G. and V. Iragavarapu. 2014. Analysis of Expected Crash Reduction Benefits and Costs of Truck-Mounted Attenuator Use in Work Zones. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. No. 2458, pp. 74–77.…

Data-Driven Traffic Impact Assessment Tool for Work Zones

…Distribution of work zone durations ………………………………………………………………………5 Figure 4. Distribution of I-70 and I-270 work zones by lane closures ……………………………………..5 Figure 5. Distribution of MO 141 work zones by lane closures ………………………………………………6 Figure 6. Comparison of work zone lengths …………………………………………………………………………6 Figure 7. Work zone and upstream travel time segments ……………………………………………………….7 Figure…

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