Oct 05
Oct 08

2009 Fall National Concrete Consortium

Event Details

St. Louis, MO


Hotel information not available


October 5, 2009 — October 8, 2009


Group dinner begins at 6:00 p.m.


All technical presentations are available as PDFs to download from within the agenda.

Group Dinner | Monday, October 5, 2009

TimeEvent Details
6:00 p.m.

Meet in lobby of hotel to join group for dinner in an area restaurant


Day 1 | Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Research and Technology Transfer Activities of National Interest
Minutes – Day 1

TimeEvent Details
7:45 a.m.

Welcome and Introductions
Brett Trautman

8:00 a.m.

Mix Design and Analysis Track (PDF)
Peter Taylor, Ph.D, P.E., CP Tech Center

Test Methods to Evaluate the Air-Void System in Fresh Concrete (PDF)
Tyler Ley, Ph.D, P.E., Oklahoma State University

9:00 a.m.

TPF-5(117) Development of PerformanceProperties of Ternary Mixtures (PDF)
Paul Tikalsky

10:00 a.m.


10:30 a.m.

Impact of Hydrated Cement Past Quality and Entrained Air-Void System on the Durability of Concrete (PDF)
Larry Sutter, Michigan Tech

Joint Deterioration (PDF)
Peter Taylor, Ph.D, P.E., CP Tech Center

Evaluation of Test Methods for Permeability (Transport) and Development of Performance Guidelines for Durability (PDF)
Tommy Nantung, Indiana DOT

12:00 p.m.


1:00 p.m.

Other Pavement Research and Technology Transfer Projects:
Brett Trautman, Moderator

Dowel Bar Standardization (PDF)
Matt Zeller

Dowel Basket Attachment – Application Evaluation (PDF)
Carlos Haddad, Hilti

Concrete Pavement Road Map Update (PDF)
Paul Wiegand

Improving Foundation Layers for Concrete Pavements
David White

Concrete Overlay Technology (Field Application Program) (PDF)
Dale Harrington, CP Tech Center

Improving the Durability and Economy of Portland cement Concrete Through Internal Curing (PDF)
Bruce Jones

Initiating Crack in PCC Pavements (PDF)
Malcolm K. Lim, P.E., LimCMT

5:00 p.m.


5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

TAC Meeting for TPF-5(183) Improving the Foundation Layers for Concrete Pavements


The objective of the Foundation Layers project is to improve the construction methods, economic analysis and selection of materials, in-situ testing and evaluation, and development of performance-related specifications for the pavement foundation layers. The outcome of this study will be conclusive findings that make pavement foundations more durable, uniform, constructible, and economical. All aspects of the foundation layers will be investigated including thickness, material properties, permeability, modulus/stiffness, strength, volumetric stability and durability. Forensic and in-situ testing plans will be conceived to incorporate measurements using existing and emerging technologies (e.g. intelligent compaction) to evaluate performance related parameters as opposed to just index or indirectly related parameter values. Field investigations will evaluate pavement foundation design input parameters at each site to provide a link between what is actually constructed and what is assumed during design

A general overview of the project and its progress is on the TTCC agenda at 1:00 on Tuesday. The project TAC meeting will be held Tuesday evening. All TTCC members are welcome to attend the TAC meeting; prior registration is needed (see registration form).

Purpose: Discuss project report findings from MI, PA, and IA field studies, specifications/ literature review, lab test plan for characterizing pavement foundation materials, possible changes to specification and QC/QA measurement strategies, draft outline of final report and format.


TimeEvent Details
5:30 p.m.

Review project level reports from MI, PA, and IA (note: CA field project anticipated mid to late fall 2009)

6:30 p.m.

Overview of state specifications literature review and framework for economical analysis; discuss new specification options and alternative QC/QA measurement strategies.

7:00 p.m.

Review survey questions for TAC member and socks project selection for 2010 field testing

8:00 p.m.

Discuss final report content/outline and format


Day 2 | Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Cement Standards and Technology for Sustainable Concrete Paving
Minutes – Day 2

TimeEvent Details
7:45 a.m.

Welcome and Session Objectives
Peter Taylor

8:00 a.m.

Sustainable Concrete Paving: An Overview

Common Sense Sustainability for Concrete Pavements (PDF)
Peter Taylor, Ph.D, P.E., CP Tech Center

Sustainable Concrete Paving: Industry Initiatives (PDF)
John Melander, Portland Cement Association

Cement Manufacturing Overview (PDF)
Alan Gee, Lehigh Hanson Cement

Quality Control in the Cement Plant (PDF)
Alan Gee, Lehigh Hanson/Heidelberg Cement Group

9:45 a.m.


10:15 a.m.

State of Cement Standards:

Harmonization – Changes to ASTM C 150 and AASHTO M 85 (PDF)
Al Innis

ASTM C595 and C1157 Recent Changes (PDF)
Nick Popoff

Canadian and European Specifications (PDF)
Nick Popoff

Cement Standards of the Future (PDF)
John Melander, Portland Cement Association

12:00 p.m.

Holcim Overview
Nancy Tully

12:15 p.m.

Borad bus (box lunches)
Holcim plant tour
Field observations (Missouri to organize)

5:30 p.m.

Group dinner on return trip


Day 3 | Thursday, October 8, 2009
Business Meeting
Minutes – Day 3 (PDF)

TimeEvent Details
7:30 a.m.

Business Meeting
Brett Trautman

  • Recommendation on Regional NCC Structure
    Brett Trautman
  • Financial Update
    Sharon Prochnow
  • NCC Logo
    Brett Trautman
  • Spring 2010 Meeting Plans
    Jay Page
  • Technology Transfer Materials Needs
    Tom Cackler
  • ListServe
    Sabrina Shields-Cook
8:30 a.m.

State Reports: Responses to Questions on Cement Specifications (PDF)

Questions for NC2 State Reports

  1. What cement specifications are used in your state (e.g. ASTM C150, AASHTO M 85, ASTM C1157, ASTM C595)?
  2. Are there additional requirements beyond the national specifications? If so – what are they?
  3. What is your approval process for cements (including certification by other states)?
  4. Do you currently allow ASTM C1157 cements? Why or why not?
  5. Do you currently allow ASTM 595 blended cements? Why or why not?
  6. What is your sampling frequency/ testing requirements for QC and/or acceptance?
  7. What are your current limitations on amounts of supplementary cementitious materials, including
    ternary mixtures?
  8. If you do not currently specify an ASTM C1157 cement or an ASTM C595 blended cement, what
    information or circumstances would cause you to begin specifying either of these alternatives to plain portland cement?
11:30 a.m.
