Sep 22
Sep 24

2020 Iowa Streets and Roads Workshop and Conference CANCELLED

Event Details

Ames, Iowa


Quality Inn and Suites Conference Center
2601 East 13th Street
Ames, Iowa 50010


September 22, 2020 — September 24, 2020


Workshop | September 22, 2020
Registration begins at 8:00 a.m.

Conference | September 23-24, 2020
Registration begins at 8:00 a.m.


5 Credit Hours

Event Contact
Keith Knapp
InTrans, Iowa LTAP

About the Workshop

Attend this year’s workshop to learn about Leadership Skills. There will be presentations on the elements of leadership, group and team development, ethics and leadership, organizational self assessment, and defining excellence. As a bonus, you will also receive credit in the Leadership Institute.

About the Conference

This year’s conference is sure to be one you won’t want to miss! Along with a slate of several relevant presentations, you can look forward to “mousetraps and gadgets” and roundtable discussions. Attendees will have ample time to meet with their peers. There will be no exhibitors this year.

Keynote Speaker: Mitch Holthus
Mitch Holthus is the Voice of the Kansas City Chiefs and is the longest tenured and most decorated play-by-play “Voice” in franchise history. Also an announcer for college basketball, Holthus’ work has been featured on national tv. A recipient of the John Sanders “Spirit of the Valley” Award, Holthus was also awarded an Emmy in 2012.

Note: Registration for both the workshop and conference is not necessary in order to attend one of the offerings.

Who Should Attend

All public employees are invited to attend. Anyone who is in a leadership position, such as a first-line supervisor, or aspires to be in such a position, will especially benefit from the workshop. Secondary road and street maintenance supervisors and staff will especially benefit from the conference. Although registrations are currently being taken, parts or all of the event could be altered or canceled at any time. If held, we ask that everyone follow CDC and IDPH guidelines and Governors proclamation active at the time. We are working to have a setup that supports the same and are hopeful we will back to our normal setup in 2021. If canceled, registrations will be used to offer part of the subject material in a virtual manner.

Workshop and Conference Credits

Attendance at the workshop and conference will each provide contact hours toward the Iowa Roads Scholar program.


Rooms are available at the Quality Inn and Suites (515-232-9260) for $96 plus tax. Mention “Streets & Roads” to get the special rate. The block will be released on September 2, 2020.

Mousetraps and Gadgets

Do you have an innovative idea or invention that has reduced costs or improved efficiency in your agency? Let us know about it! A prize will be given for the best mousetrap or gadget!


Workshop | Tuesday, September 22, 2020

TimeEvent Details
8:00 a.m.Registration
8:25 a.m.Welcome/Introduction
8:30 a.m.Exploring the Elements of Leadership
9:15 a.m.Team Development
10:15 a.m.Break
10:30 a.m.Ethics and Leadership
11:30 a.m.Lunch
12:45 p.m.Right Side Ride Along
1:45 p.m.Organizational Self Assessment
2:30 p.m.Break
2:45 p.m.Defining Excellence
3:30 p.m.Evaluations/Break

Conference | Wednesday, September 23, 2020

TimeEvent Details
8:00 a.m.Registration
8:30 a.m.Welcome
8:45 a.m.Keynote Speaker Mitch Holthus, "Voice of the Kansas City Chiefs"
9:45 a.m.Break
10:30 a.m.Agricultural Superload Impacts on Pavements
11:15 a.m.Service Bureau Update and GRAMS Discussion
12:00 p.m.Lunch
1:15 p.m.Winter Maintenance Pre-Treatment Panel
2:00 p.m.What's New in Concrete
2:35 p.m.Break
2:55 p.m.What's New in Asphalt
3:30 p.m.Award, Door Prizes and Vendor Presentations
4:15 p.m.Gravel Road Maintenance - Stabilization

Conference | Thursday, September 24, 2020

TimeEvent Details
8:00 a.m.Passing the Gavel
8:05 a.m.Roundtable Discussions
9:00 a.m.Roundtable Reports
9:15 a.m.Business Meeting
9:25 a.m.Iowa Salt Use Reduction Plans
10:00 a.m.Break
10:15 a.m.Excavation Safety Overview
10:45 a.m.Scour Solutions
11:15 a.m.Mousetraps and Gadgets
11:45 a.m.Door Prizes


If you have questions, contact Keith Knapp at 515-294-8817 or, or Shari Butterfield at