May 27

2020 Motor Grader Operator Workshop -Storm Lake – POSTPONED

Event Details

Storm Lake


Buena Vista County Extension Office
824 Flindt Drive
Storm Lake, IA 50588


May 27, 2020


Registration begins at 8:00 am
Workshop begins at 8:30 am


6 Credit Hours

Event Contact
Paul Albritton
InTrans, Iowa LTAP


Motor grader operator (MoGO) training is a one ­or two day program led by experienced operators who teach others efficient and safe operating practices.

Day one is a classroom session. The session which includes Instruction and presentations, primarily focuses on blading techniques for different tasks, snow removal, roadway/roadside cross section elements, safety, and equipment. Participants are often from several cities or counties, which promotes discussion and exchange of ideas and techniques.

Day two is an optional field session. (Whenever possible, the field day is the day following the classroom session). Instructor(s) travel to your site to advise/guide motor grader operators while they operate their own equipment at their own location. The instructor(s) focus on topics or challenges of particular importance to the local area.
Field Days can only be held if there are 5 or more people that have shown an interest within a county/city or adjacent counties/cities. If at all possible, we will schedule the Field Day for the day after the classroom.

Who should attend?

This training is designed for motor grader operators and their supervisors.

New operators find the training helpful, and experienced operators say it is a good refresher course. Supervisors learn about new developments and operating techniques.

Course participants should be familiar with basic equipment operations prior to attending.


Each MoGO program is taught by a team of two instructors who have had extensive on ­the job experience operating motor graders. During the classroom portion of the program, the instructors answer questions, promote group discussion, and share their own expertise. During the field sessions, the instructors meet with individual operators while the operators run their own equipment on their own roads.

For More Information

If you have questions about workshop content, contact Paul Albritton, Technical Training Coordinator, 515-­294­-1231,