Event Details
June 7, 2022 — June 9, 2022
Registration/check in at 7:30 am for morning session and noon for the afternoon session.
3 Credit Hours
Event Contact
New Field Day Session Approach.
We are testing a new approach to the field session in 2022. For those attending the classroom workshop, there will be a field opportunity to work one on one with an instructor here in Ames. The field days are set for June 7-9 with two, four hour sessions each day. The morning sessions will be from 7:30 am – 11:30 am and the afternoon sessions will be from 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm (with lunch at 11:30 for both groups).
Each session noted above will be limited to 10 participants and they will be split into two groups. The 5 students in each group will work with an instructor to learn the basic operation of a grader including moldboard pitch, blade angle, articulation, adjustments needed for proper roadway crown and the importance of pre-trip inspections.
Registration Process
The Iowa Streets and Roads Maintenance Supervisors Association (ISRMSA) has graciously agreed to pay the $120.00 per person registration fee for up to 10 Iowa local public agency operators per district. (District map) on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please register by district in the sidebar to the right. However, in support of additional interaction and the small size of the groups noted above – registration will be limited to 1 operator per agency with the option of indicating 1 other for a waitlist. (all those named need to attend the classroom session). In addition, for planning purposes with the roadway closure, equipment and instructors, Iowa LTAP will be assigning registrants to sessions on or before Friday, May 20 and we will notify agencies of the date/time upon their agreement to attend.
If you have other operators you’d like to attend or your district is at capacity, please contact Keith Knapp at kknapp@iastate.edu and we will put you on a waiting list.
Who should attend?
This training is designed for new motor grader operators with less than 1 year of experience and is limited to Iowa public agency operators only.
Course participants should be familiar with basic equipment operations prior to attending.
Each MoGO program is taught by a team of two instructors who have had extensive on the job experience operating motor graders.
For More Information
If you have questions about workshop content, contact Paul Albritton, Technical Training Coordinator, 515-294-1231, palbritt@iastate.edu