Event Details
Ames, Iowa
Institute for Transportation (InTrans)
2711 South Loop Dr. (Building 4)
Suite 4040
Ames, IA 50010
Use 4050 or 4500 entrance. Training room 4040 is located in the atrium area across from the restrooms.
April 25, 2022 — May 6, 2022
Workshop will start at 8:00 am each day.
60 Credit Hours
Event Contact
A detailed description of this course is on the National Highway Institute website (www.nhi.fhwa.dot.gov). Some highlights from this description are below.
NOTE: This course was updated in 2012 and 2015 and now contains mandatory prerequisite requirements for participants and host requirements in preparation for the field exercises. See details below.
This course is based on the 2015 FHWA “Bridge Inspector’s Reference Manual (BIRM)” and provides training on the safety inspection of in-service highway bridges. The course includes two virtual bridge inspection exercises* facilitated using NHI’s virtual bridge inspection (VBI) computer-based training (CBT) technology; instruction on critical findings, their identification and response; curriculum on the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) element level inspection approach using the 2013 AASHTO Manual for Bridge Element Inspection 2015 Interim Revisions; and activities that maximize participant engagement throughout the course. This course does not go into depth on fracture critical, underwater, or complex bridge inspections. Other specialty courses, 130078 Fracture Critical Inspection Techniques for Steel Bridges and 130091 Underwater Bridge Inspection, cover these topics.
Participants will be asked to complete mid-term and end-of-course assessments each with a cumulative score of 70% or better to successfully complete the course and receive a certificate of completion. The sponsoring agency/State may monitor the examinations and retain the scores to qualify or certify bridge inspectors. Satisfactory completion of this course will fulfill the comprehensive bridge inspection training requirements of the National Bridge Inspection Standards. Note: Many States have additional requirements to become a bridge inspection team leader.
Required Pre-Requisite
Participant Prerequisite Requirement: ALL participants must have met one of the three prerequisite requirements for participation in this course** and bring a course completion certificate bearing their name to the first day of the class. The passing score for all prerequisites is 70% or better. Individuals have the option to complete one of the three prerequisite requirements:
1) 130054 Engineering Concepts for Bridge Inspectors, a five-day instructor-led course;
3) 130101a Prerequisite Assessment for Safety Inspection of In-Service Bridges, a Web-based assessment.
**Please note: As noted above ALL students must successfully meet the prerequisite requirements and to enter the course each student must have a valid course completion certificate. The prerequisite must also be completed within two years of the course start date. In addition, it is recommended that prior to attending this course participants spend some time in the field, at bridge inspections sites, but it is not required.
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
- Discuss the duties and responsibilities of a bridge inspector and define inspection concepts including personal and public safety issues associated with bridge inspections
- List the inspection equipment needs for various types of bridges and site conditions
- Describe, identify, evaluate, and document the various components and deficiencies that can exist on bridge components and elements
- List design characteristics and describe inspection methods and locations for common concrete, steel, and timber structures
- Identify and evaluate the various culvert and waterway deficiencies
- Discuss the need to inspect underwater portions of bridges
- Describe nondestructive evaluation methods for basic bridge materials
- Demonstrate how to field inspect and evaluate common concrete, steel, and timber bridges
Target Audience
The target audience for this course includes Federal, State, and local highway agency employees; and consultants involved in inspecting bridges or in bridge inspection management and leadership positions. A background in bridge engineering is strongly recommended. ALL participants must successfully complete (score 70% or better) one of the three prerequisite requirements noted above within two years prior to attending this training.
Nearby Hotels –
There are many hotels in the Ames area that are just minutes away from the classroom. Please contact me if you have questions regarding hotels.
For More Information
If you have questions or need more information, please contact Paul Albritton at 515-294-1231 or palbritt@iastate.edu