Jan 30
Feb 06

Oversize/Overweight Permitting Workshop

Event Details

January 30, 2024 — February 6, 2024


This is a two-part online workshop.
Part 1: January 30 at 8:30 a.m.
Part 2: February 6 at 8:30 a.m.


Details to access the Webex webinars will be emailed along with a confirmation after you register.

Event Contact
Keith Knapp
InTrans, Iowa LTAP


Please join us on January 30 and February 6 for a two-part online workshop focused on oversize/overweight permitting in Iowa. Learn everything from why permitting is needed to engineering principles for non-engineers and the basics of bridge permitting analysis. We also hope to have a speaker who can provide an enforcement perspective on this subject and some demonstrations of analysis tools. The topics included within both half-day portions of this workshop also allow time for questions.

Intended Audience

The intended audience for this workshop is all county and city staff members who work in the area of oversize/overweight vehicle permitting. This includes those who administrate the process and those who are involved with its technical aspects.

Tentative Agenda Items

Part 1 (estimated 3.25 hours w/ break)

  • Why Is Permitting Needed
  • Processes and Programs
  • Where/When Does It Apply and Exceptions
  • Legislation and Mapping
  • Considerations before Issuing
  • Engineering Principles for Non-Engineers
  • Enforcement

Part 2 (estimated 2 hours)

  • Basics of Analysis
  • Analysis Tools Demonstrations
  • Questions/Answers

Workshop Speaker Bios

Niki Stinn, Local Systems Bureau, Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT): Niki graduated from Iowa State University in 2010 and then worked as the Tama County Assistant Engineer for six years before working as the Hamilton County Engineer for three years. Niki joined the DOT in her current role as the Secondary Roads Engineer in December of 2019. In this role, she works to administer funding and to provide information and guidance to all of Iowa’s 99 Secondary Roads Departments.

Scott Neubauer, Bridges and Structures Bureau, Iowa DOT: Scott is the Bridge Maintenance and Inspection Engineer for the Iowa DOT. He has been in this position for the past 12 years. He has been working in the Bridges and Structures Bureau at the Iowa DOT for 29 years. His tenure in the Bridge Office has included work as a bridge designer, Superload Engineer, Load Rating Engineer, and Maintenance and Inspection Engineer. He is a graduate of Iowa State University with a bachelor of science degree in Construction Engineering. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in the state of Iowa.

Shawn Sersland, Bridges and Structures Bureau, Iowa DOT: Shawn is the Bridge Rating Engineer for the Iowa DOT and has worked in load rating for eight years. She received a bachelor’s degree from Central College and a master’s degree in Civil Engineering from Iowa State University.

Alexander Jansen, Motor Vehicle Division, Iowa DOT: Alex is the Motor Carrier Executive Team Lead and Motor Carrier Program Manager for Iowa DOT. He has been with the department for 16 years. He is responsible for overseeing Motor Carrier Program compliance, which includes oversize/overweight permits, international registration plans (IRP), international fuel tax agreements (IFTA), and unified carrier registration (UCR). He started his career with the Iowa DOT working in the Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Help Desk, where he assisted customers with questions about their driver’s licenses and CDL’s and then moved over to Motor Carrier Services in 2010 when he became the System Manager for the Oversize & Overweight Permit Program. In addition to his experience with the Iowa DOT, he is also a 23-year veteran of the U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Coast Guard Reserve, specializing in vessel inspections and hazardous materials (HAZMAT) response operations.

Kelli Huser, Motor Vehicle Division, Iowa DOT: Kelli is a Compliance Officer in the Motor Vehicle Division of the Iowa DOT. In this role, she works with legislative proposals, administrative rules, and escalated transactions involving motor carrier regulations and oversize/overweight permitting.