Sep 27

MUTCD Sign Retroreflectivity Refresher

Event Details

September 27, 2022


This free webinar will begin at 12:00 p.m. (Central Time)


Details to access the Webex webinar will be emailed along with a confirmation after you register.

Event Contact
David Veneziano
InTrans, Iowa LTAP


Traffic signs provide warning and guidance information to drivers 24 hours a day. The provision of this information is especially important during nighttime hours, meaning signs must be visible to drivers during darkness.  This is accomplished through the use of retroreflective sign sheeting, in which the sheeting material reflects light off the sign back to its source (vehicle headlights).  The 2009 edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) included the provision to implement an assessment or management method to maintain minimum sign retroreflectivity, and the replacement of those regulatory and warning signs that do not meet requirements.  The purpose of these assessment or management methods is to maintain minimum retroreflectivity standards for regulatory and warning signs.

This webinar will provide an overview of the MUTCD minimum sheeting retroreflectivity levels, cover the different assessment and management approaches that agencies can use to monitor sign conditions and ensure compliance, and discuss how to implement/conduct the different methods that are available.

Speaker Bio

David Veneziano is Safety Circuit Rider with the Iowa Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) at the Institute for Transportation at Iowa State University. David has over 16 years of experience in various aspects of transportation research, including safety and operational analysis, winter maintenance applications, Intelligent Transportation Systems and remote sensing. In addition, his experience includes outreach and training activities for safety treatments, roadside safety, work zone flagging and safety, and roadway signing and marking.  He has also led numerous road safety assessment efforts in Iowa over the past 7 years.