InTrans / Oct 27, 2022

CP Tech Center earns ACI leadership award

CP Tech Center staff

The National Concrete Pavement Technology Center (CP Tech Center) is the 2022 recipient of the American Concrete Institute’s (ACI’s) Charles S. Whitney Medal.

The ACI Board of Direction recognized the CP Tech Center specifically “for its national leadership role in advancing knowledge, research, and technology transfer in concrete pavement and for leadership in identifying and advancing sustainable solutions and new technologies.”

The Charles S. Whitney Medal is generally awarded for noteworthy engineering development work in concrete design or construction, per ACI. The award, founded in 1961, may be awarded each year to either a group or an individual.

Charles S. Whitney Award to CP Tech Center in 2022

CP Tech Center Research Engineer Dan King accepted the award on behalf of the center at the ACI Fall 2022 Concrete Convention in Dallas, Texas.

“It is an honor for the Center to be recognized in this way by our peers,” CP Tech Center Director Peter Taylor said.

The board’s recognition dovetails well with the threefold mission of the CP Tech Center to help street and road agencies find answers to concrete pavement-related questions; identify critical concrete pavement research needs and discover sustainable solutions; and help agencies and industries to incorporate advanced, sustainable solutions and new technologies in their practices.

ACI, founded in 1904, is a leading global authority for the development, dissemination, and adoption of its consensus-based standards, technical resources, and educational, training, and certification programs. It has grown to over 94 chapters, 244 student chapters, and 30,000 members spanning over 120 years. Learn more about the organization at