InTrans / Mar 17, 2022

InTrans graduate student receives awards from women’s groups

Nazik Citir

March is a month when we celebrate and uplift women’s achievements. Institute for Transportation (InTrans) graduate student Nazik Citir is one of those women. She received awards from the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) and an Iowa State University women’s group this month.

Citir, who is pursuing a doctorate in intelligent infrastructure engineering and structural engineering at ISU, received the Outstanding Individual Award from the nationwide graduate student community in SWE (GradSWE) and a scholarship from Iowa State University Women’s Club (ISUWC). She received notice of the former award on International Women’s Day.

“I am honored and delighted to have received these awards that recognize my contributions to my field, community, and SWE. Winning an award is always a special moment, but when it is combined with women’s day, I can say that nothing could have made me celebrate that day more enthusiastically” Citir said.

GradSWE is a part of the larger SWE organization. SWE, founded in 1950, is a not-for-profit educational and service organization that empowers women to succeed in engineering careers with an exciting array of training and development programs, networking opportunities, scholarships, outreach and advocacy activities, and much more.

The nationwide GradSWE recognized Citir’s leadership—she currently serves as president of the GradSWE Iowa State University Chapter—and commitment to the group’s core values. The group includes nearly 100 women across engineering departments at ISU.

The ISUWC recognizes the academic, personal, and community accomplishments of full-time Iowa State University women students through an award endowed by the club. The club is a social and service organization providing opportunities for friendship, personal growth, and enrichment.

Citir credited her professors for their support and guidance that helped her achieve these awards.

“We are very proud of her accomplishments and Nazik’s strong leadership role with the GradSWE at Iowa State University,” said Halil Ceylan, Program for Sustainable Pavement Engineering & Research (PROSPER) and Citir’s doctoral advisor.

Citir is working on projects funded by the Iowa Highway Research Board/Iowa Department of Transportation and managed by InTrans. Her work includes evaluating pavement performance and structural capacities and developing tools to estimate their remaining service life using artificial intelligence techniques to help agencies in their pavement management decision-making processes.