InTrans / Sep 17, 2015

Register for upcoming Midwest Transportation Workforce Summit

Join the Midwest Transportation Workforce Center (MTWC) from December 7-8, 2015 at the Fluno Center in Madison, Wisconsin, for the Midwest Transportation Workforce Summit.

The MTWC is located at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and led by Dr. Teresa Adams, a professor of civil and environmental engineering. The MTWC is affiliated with the National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education (CFIRE).

At the Summit, the MTWC will convene public- and private-sector stakeholders in transportation, education, economic development, and other areas as they continue to work to improve transportation workforce development in the Midwest and across the United States.

Come for one and a half days packed with expert panels, roundtable discussions, and focused presentations that will inform and inspire new workforce development initiatives and innovative partnerships. There will be ample opportunities for networking and collaboration with MTWC staff and your peers.

Although open to the public, registration ($150) is required.