InTrans / Jan 15, 2021
Schaefer receives ASCE award for innovation
Vern Schaefer, interim director of the Center for Earthworks Engineering Research (CEER) and affiliate researcher with the National Concrete Pavement Technology Center (CP Tech Center), received the 2021 Wallace Hayward Baker Award from the Geo-Institute of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
The award recognizes ingenious innovation in the field of ground modification. It was established in 2000 by the Geo-Institute, a membership organization focused on geoprofessionals and the geo-industry, and not more than one award will be made each year.
Schaefer, who is also a professor in Iowa State University’s Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering Department, focuses his work on promoting and conducting soil improvement technologies and developing the GeoTech Tools as a comprehensive, systematic selection tool.
More information about the award is available here.