Project Details
HNTB Corporation
Second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2)
Terry Wipf
Wayne Klaiber
About the research
Iowa State University is a subcontractor on this SHRP 2 Rapid Renewal project. ISU tasks include creating a project survey, assisting HNTB with development of new bridge designs and construction techniques. ISU will also provide structural testing assistance and evaluation of new technologies.
Neal Hawkins email >Director Research Administration, ISU
About the research
Iowa State University was a subcontractor to the University of Iowa. ISU researchers reviewed products of the current SHRP 2 safety projects and assisted with identifying analytic approaches to address intersection research questions.
Linda Boyle
Tom Maze
Alicia Carriquiry
Abhisek Mudgal
About the research
The main goal of this research is to devleop analytical relationships between roadway, environmental, vehicle, and human factors and road departure risk and oucome. This goal mirrors that of the SOI RFP which is to develop analytical methods which can be applied to the fully deployed SHRP 2 driving behavior and crash risk study and to demonstrate those methods using data from recent existing naturalistic driving field studies and other data sources. The focus of our research is to map the sequence of events leading to road departure incidents and crashes and quantify how roadway, environmental, vehicle, and human factors influence whether an incident occurs in the first place and how those factors affect subsequent events and final outcomes. To accomplish this, we plan to create analytical tools to develop exposure based risk measures using surrogate crash measures with driver, vehicle, roadway, and environmental as characteristics as the response variables.