InTrans / Aug 14, 2018

Field performance of timber bridges: 9. Big Erick’s stress-laminated deck bridge

The North Yarmouth bridge was constructed in the spring of
1994 in North Yarmouth, Maine. The bridge is a single-span,
two-lane, stress-laminated truss structure that is approximately
39 ft long and 32 ft wide. The truss laminations were
produced using chromated-copper-arsenate- (CCA-) treated
Southern Pine connected with metal plate connectors. This
report includes information on the design, construction, and
field performance of the bridge. Performance of the bridge
was monitored for approximately 4 years, beginning shortly
after bridge construction. During the field-monitoring program,
data were collected related to the wood moisture content,
the force level of the stressing bars, behavior under
static truck loading, and overall structural condition. Based
on 4 years of field evaluations, the bridge is performing well
with no structural or serviceability deficiencies.