InTrans / Aug 14, 2018

Finite element analysis of longitudinal glulam timber deck and glulam timber girder bridges

The objective of this study is three-fold:
1. To make efficient finite element models of the longitudinal glulam deck bridge and the glulam girder bridge that would aid in accurately predicting the behavior of these bridges. The finite element models must include all bridge components that contribute to the structural behavior of the bridge.
2. To develop user friendly pre- and post-processors in ASYS [7] that would not require an in-depth knowledge of the finite element method and need only minimum user input. The pre-processors model and analyze the bridge while the post-processors output the deflections and stresses at key locations on the bridge.
3. To perform a parametric study to investigate the sensitivity of analytical results to varying material properties, end restraints, edge stiffening and the manner in which loads are applied to the model.
The above objectives were accomplished by analyzing two right-angled glued laminated deck bridges, three right-angled girder bridge and one skew girder bridge. The analytical results were compared to available experimental data and the models were validated.