Project Details
Federal Highway Administration Transportation Pooled Fund
About the research
This project involved development of an outreach slide presentation that captures the advances and improvements in road weather forecasting and nowcasting. As the National Weather Service modernizationmoved into full implementation, some recognized the potential impact this could have on daily operations, but many others were not convinced. Therefore, there was a need to show the rest of the transportation community the difference between the old and new through simple presentation material. The primary audiences for this presentation were state and local DOT staff and managers.This project involved development of an outreach slide presentation that captures the advances and improvements in road weather forecasting and nowcasting. As the National Weather Service modernizationmoved into full implementation, some recognized the potential impact this could have on daily operations, but many others were not convinced. Therefore, there was a need to show the rest of the transportation community the difference between the old and new through simple presentation material. The primary audiences for this presentation were state and local DOT staff and managers.