Technical Assistance for Advanced Survey and Modeling Technologies and Practices

Project Details



DTFH6113D00009, TO 0002






Federal Highway Administration

Principal Investigator
Peter Taylor

Director, CP Tech Center

About the research

This project is a task order under the main Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)-sponsored project, “Technical and Support Services for the FHWA Construction Management Team.”

Advanced survey and modeling technologies are a rapidly maturing set of technologies with the potential to enhance the design, construction, and management of public infrastructure. Advanced surveying techniques can include “traditional” survey equipment such as total stations and global positioning systems (GPS) but also can include advanced technologies such as terrestrial, mobile, and aerial LiDAR scanners. Advanced modeling technologies include the development of 3D engineered models. The information provided by these technologies has numerous uses for both designers and downstream users such as contractors, construction inspectors, and maintenance personnel.

The primary objective of this work is to develop products that are intended to increase awareness and understanding of advanced survey and modeling practices and the benefits of using them among transportation officials, private industry, and contractors. The objectives of this work more specifically are as follows:

  1. Develop a national resource team (NRT) of up to 50 members who will provide technical guidance and assist in championing advanced survey and modeling technologies.
  2. Develop and deliver 3 to 6 webinars that are 90 minutes in length to educate transportation officials, design professionals, contractors, maintenance personnel, and others on the considerations and benefits for utilizing advanced surveying and modeling technology.
  3. Develop and deliver 1 to 3 virtual roundtable events and produce a 508-compliant report. The roundtables will be 2.5 hours long. The roundtables will present state of practice and implementation gap information to a diverse audience to help others develop the use of advanced surveying and modeling technology within their own organizations.
  4. Develop and deliver 1 to 4 one-day workshops on using advanced practices for construction engineering and quality assurance, including demonstrations of workflows, specifications, equipment, problem solving, and best practices.
  5. Develop and deliver 1 to 4 1.5-day peer exchanges on using advanced survey and modeling technologies, including demonstrations of workflows, specifications, equipment, problem solving, and best practices. A report will be developed that contains example guide documents, specifications, work flows, and lessons learned to help other states adopt the advanced practices for construction engineering.
  6. Develop a document and PowerPoint presentation covering the business case for using advanced survey and modeling technology that can be used to market to DOT executives.
  7. Support FHWA development of a draft national “Advanced Modeling Technologies/CIM” implementation plan in support of the MAP-21 requirements and that builds upon EDC-2/3, “BIM for Infrastructure,” and other ongoing efforts.

Below is a playlist of all CP Tech Center videos on real-time smoothness (RTS), the earlier two of which were developed as part of the above project: