Resumes for the Institute for Transportation

NS#Proposal TitlePrincipal InvestigatorOther Personnel
710Feasibility of InSAR for Continuous Monitoring of Ground Deformation and Performance Tracking of Geotechnical AssetsHalil Ceylan
729Utilizing Hydrogen Fuel Technology for a Greener FleetJing Dong-O’Brien
731Evaluating and Implementing Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) for Continuous and Rapid Monitoring of Moisture Fluctuations in In-Service RoadsHalil Ceylan
735Equity in MnDOT ProgrammingInya Nlenanya
736Leveraging Transportation Investments for Economic Development and Wealth BuildingInya Nlenanya
739Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Analysis of Qualitative Public InputHalil Ceylan
744Innovative Solutions for Stormwater Solutions for Linear ProjectsChris Rehmann
749Evaluation of Driver Speeds After Implementation of Speed Limit Reduction on Urban StreetsShauna Hallmark