Principal Investigator
Jiangping Zhou
About the research
Through this project, Nanjing University, Institute of Urban Planning and Design expects to improve the understanding and application of low-carbon transportation methods, tools, and technologies used in policy making, and enhance the communication and collaboration among scholars, experts, practitioners, policy advisor’s, and government officials. The tasks include: (1) Collecting the current information of transportation development of Chaonan District in Shantou. Especially the current condition of transportation development of 324 National Highway; (2) Designing and conducting online surveys of, and interviews with local planners and officials about the transportation policy, and its objective and motivation; (3) Search of the literature to get enough background information regarding low-carbon transportation development theory; (4) Analyzing successful cases of low-carbon transportation development, and regarding how to use informative and useful low-carbon cases for reference for Chaonan District in Shantou; (5) Synthesizing the information and cases, propose strategies of low-carbon development for Chaonan District, and more detailed strategies for 324 National Highway; and, (6) Writing a report about all the above analyses and results.