InTrans in the News

Engineers at the Institute for Transportation (InTrans) are dedicated to researching the most critical issues in transportation in five focus areas: infrastructure; safety; mobility, data analytics, and resiliency; construction management; and outreach and education. It’s always exciting when that earns them media attention!

Featured News Items

WHO 13 Scholastic Spotlight includes Ready, Set, Build! competition

A November 18, 2024, WHO 13 news spotlight included a feature on InTrans' annual bridge-building challenge for 4th through 8th graders at the Science Center of Iowa.

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LTAP Build a Better Mousetrap winner inspires another county

A March 26, 2024, Newton News article highlights how Jasper County roads crews were inspired by Des Moines County's Build a Better Mousetrap winner's culvert inspector entry.

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WHO 13 features InTrans research into snowplow navigation

The Jan. 8, 2022, news piece from WHO 13 highlights InTrans research on snowplow navigation systems to help operators stay on the roads when conditions are poor.

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ATSSA publication features REACTOR Lab's smart arrow board research

The summer 2021 Roadway Safety article highlights Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) efforts to implement arrow boards that can share information in work zones and the REACTOR Lab’s research into the benefits of the technology.

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