Aaleti, Sriram
Abendroth, Robert
Adu-Gyamfi, Yaw
Ahn, Soyoung
Albrecht, Chris
Albritton, Paul
Technical Training Coordinator, Iowa LTAP , Institute for Transportation
Aldemir Bektaş, Başak
Alipour, Alice
Structure and Infrastructure Engineer, BEC , Institute for Transportation
Associate Professor, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Alleman, James E.
Allen, B.J.
Almagambetov, Akhan
Anderson, Chris
Anderson-Wilk, Mark
Andrle, Stephen
Armstrong, M.
Ashlock, Jeramy
Faculty Affiliate, InTrans , Institute for Transportation
Associate Professor, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Atchley, Paul
Babcock, Michael
Bai, Yong
Balakrishnan, Bimal
Basmajian, Carlton
Baumel, C. Phillip
Becker, Matthew T.
Bektaş, Fatih
Berg, Richard
Bergeson, Ken
Bernard Bracy, Jill
Berndt, Mark
Bham, Ghulam
Bhatti, M. Asghar
Bielnberg, Robert W.
Bierwagen, Dean
Bigelow, Jake
Boeckenstedt, Randy
Boeckmann, Andrew
Bolluyt, James
Bowders, John
Boyle, Linda
Brasche, Lisa
Brink, Marcia
Brown, Henry
Brundy, Curtis
Burdine, Nick
Systems Analyst, InTrans , Institute for Transportation
Affiliate Researcher, Center for Weather Impacts on Mobility and Safety
Buss, Ashley
Buttlar, William G.
Cable, James K.
Cackler, Tom
Campbell, James F.
Canales, Augusto
Cantor, David
Carlson, Paul
Carriker, Glenn
Carriquiry, Alicia
Celik, Koray
Cetin, Bora
Cetin, Kristen
Ceylan, Halil
Director, PROSPER , Institute for Transportation
Professor, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
ISU Site Director, FAA PEGASAS COE for General Aviation
Chang, George K.
Chen, An
Cheng, Yang
Chitturi, Madhav
Cho, In-Ho
Associate Professor, Department of Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering
Chong, Wai Kiong "Oswald"
Christopher, Barry
Chrysler, Susan
Chu, Jian
Clausen, Carol
Cochran, Eric
Faculty Affiliate , Institute for Transportation
Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Constantinescu, George S.
Coree, Brian
Corringham, Thomas
Corritore, Cindy
Cox, Ronald
Crum, Michael
Dahlberg, Justin
Director, BEC , Institute for Transportation
Co-Director, National Center for Wood Transportation Structures
Dai, Ran
Damiano, Peter
Dark, Veronica
Dawson, Andrew
Day, Christopher
Research Scientist, CTRE , Institute for Transportation
Associate Professor, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Dehman, Amjad
Deng, Yaohua "Jimmy"
Dissanayake, Sunanda
Dong, Liang
Dong-O'Brien, Jing
Transportation Engineer, CTRE , Institute for Transportation
Associate Professor, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Drakopoulos, Alex
Duckworth, William
Edara, Praveen
Eichner, Don
Eisel, Joyce
Eisenmann, David
Emch, Michael E.
Eshan, Dave
Faller, Ronald
Fanous, F.S.
Fay, Laura
Ferragut, Theodore
Fick, Gary
Forkenbrock, D.J.
Franz, L.S.
Freeseman, Katelyn
Frentress, Daniel
Fu, Liping
Fulcher, Chris
Gates, Timothy
Ge, Zhi
Gelder, Brian
Gieselman, Heath
Gieseman, Dan
Gilbert, Stephen
Gkritza, Konstantina
Gopalakrishnan, Kasthurirangan
Gopalaratnam, Vellore
Govindarajulu, Nalini
Gransberg, Doug
Gray, Joe
Greenfield, Tina
Greimann, Lowell
Grove, Jim
Gu, Roy
Gutierrez, David A.
Hallmark, Shauna
Director, InTrans , Institute for Transportation
Professor, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Hancock, Mike
Hans, Zachary
Director, CWIMS , Institute for Transportation
Research Scientist, Center for Transportation Research and Education
Program Manager (PI), Aurora
Harrington, Dale
Hasiuk, Franek
Hawkins, Neal
Director Research Administration, ISU , Institute for Transportation
Associate Director, InTrans
Co-Director, REACTOR
Co-Director, Aurora
Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Heitzman, Michael
Holland, Steve
Holloway, James C.
Hooton, Doug
Horowitz, Alan J.
Hosteng, Travis
Hu, Chao
Hu, Yi
Hu, Guiping
Hu, Jiong
Huan, Luke
Hurt, Douglas
Ikuma, Kaoru
Jahren, Charles
Jang, Wooseung
Jaselskis, Ed
Jeong, Hyung Seok "David"
Jeyapalan, K.
Jin, Xia
Johnson, Thomas
Jones, LaDon
Kaiser, Mark
Kaleita, Amy
Kamyab, Ali
Kandil, Amr
Kane, Kevin
Kannel, Ed
Karamihas, Stephen
Keierleber, Brian
Keller, Tim
Kelly, Eric
Kent, John L.
Keren, Nir
Kevern, John T.
Khan, Sameer A.
Khattak, Aemal
Khazanovich, Lev
Kiger, Sam
Kihl, Mary
Kim, Sunghwan
Associate Director, PROSPER , Institute for Transportation
Research Scientist, Institute for Transportation
King, Dan
King, Tyson
Klaiber, Wayne
Klein, Cerry M.
Knapp, Keith
Knickerbocker, Skylar
Research Scientist, CTRE , Institute for Transportation
Co-Director, REACTOR Laboratory
Kohtz, Justine
Kong, Song-Charng
Krishnan, Krishna
Kroeger, Dennis
Kuntemeyer, Marilyn
Kurt, Carl
Kwon , Tae
University of Alberta
LaViolette, Michael
Laflamme, Simon
Faculty Affiliate, InTrans , Institute for Transportation
Professor, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Lebow, Stan
Lechtenberg, Karla
Ledolter, Johannes
Lee, Hosin "David"
Lee, Jonghyun
Lee, John
Lee, Yoon-Si
Leu, Ming
Ley, Tyler
Li, Haitao
Li, Rui
Lingenfelter, Jessica
Litteral, Theresa
Statewide MDST Facilitator, Iowa LTAP , Institute for Transportation
Liu, Zhengyu
Liu, Yue
Loehr, J. Erik
Lohnes, Robert
Lomboy, Gilson
Lu, Ping
MacDonald, Heather
Madson, Katherine
Maggio, Mark
Mahayni, Riad
Mahedi, Masrur
Manjunath, Deepak
Marshall, Dawn
Mathur, Durga Raj
Maze, Tom
McCall, Bill
McCoy, Patrick
McDonald, Tom
McGarvey, Ron
McGehee, Daniel V.
Meister, James
Mercier, Cletus
Meyer, Eric
Meyer, Dylan
Miller, Heather
Miller, Kelly
Mina, Mani
Misra, Anil
Monache, Luca
Mooney, Michael
Moore, Brian
Morris, Max
Mulinazzi, Thomas E.
Mundy, Ray
Muste, Marian
Research Engineer, IIHR-Hydroscience & Engineering, The University of Iowa , Institute for Transportation
Nambisan, Shashi
Naraghi, Hossein
Nath, Ravi
National Center for Atmospheric Research,
Nelson, Aleksander
Nemmers, Charles
Ng, Kam
Nilakanta, Sree
Nixon, Wilfred
Nlenanya, Inya
Research Scientist, CTRE , Institute for Transportation
Program Manager, Iowa Pavement Management Program
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Noble, James
Notbohm, Thomas
Noyce, David A.
Olson, E.G.
Oneyear, Nicole
Ong, Say Kee
Orton, Sarah
Otto, Dan
O’Donnell, Megan
Pagano, Anthony
Pajouh, Mojdeh
Parker, Steven
Parkhurst, Derrick
Peek-Asa, Corinne
Peralta, Joana
Perez, Michael
Pesti, Geza
Phares, Brent
Bridge Research Engineer, BEC , Institute for Transportation
Research Associate Professor, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Pitt, John
Plazak, David
Poldolsky, Joseph
Porter, Max
Qin, Xiao
Qin, Hantang
Rahmatalla, Salam
Rajewski, Daniel
Randall, Jesse
Rasheed, Hayder
Rasmussen, Robert
Regenold, Michele
Rehmann, Chris
Faculty Affiliate, InTrans , Institute for Transportation
Professor, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Reid, John
Ren, Juan
Reyes, Michelle
Richards, Beth
Rodriguez, Lulu
Roesler, Jeffrey
Rongerude, Jane
Roohanirad, Ali
Rosenblad, Brent
Rouse, Matt
Rowings, James E.
Ruiz, J. Mauricio
Ruiz-Juri, Natalia
Rushton, G.
Russell, E.R.
Rust, Daniel
Rutherford, Cassandra J.
Saadi, Jamila
Sadati, Seyedhamed
Salim, Hani
Salim, Md.
Sandford Bernhardt, Kristen L.
Sanford Berhardt, Kristen
Sarkar, Soumik
Faculty Affiliate, CTRE , Institute for Transportation
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Sarkar, Partha
Savolainen, Peter
Schaefer, Vern
Scheibe, Kevin
Schlorholtz, Scott
Schmidt, Jennifer
Schnoor, Jerald
Schrock, Steven D.
Schwartz, Charles W.
See, Chen Fei
Sehovic, Faruk
Seo, Junwon
Shafei, Behrouz
Structural Engineer, BEC , Institute for Transportation
Associate Professor, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Shah, Surendra
Shane, Jennifer
Director, CMAT , Institute for Transportation
Professor, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Sharma, Anuj
Co-Director, REACTOR , Institute for Transportation
Professor, Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
Sharma, Radhey
Shaw, John
Shaw, John G.
Shen, Jay
Sherman, Peter
Shinn, Duane
Shrotriya, Pranav
Sicking, Dean L.
Smadi, Omar
Director, CTRE , Institute for Transportation
Professor, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Smith, Gordon
Smith, L. Douglas
Smith, Duane
Smith, Carlo D.
Somani, Arun
Souleyrette, Reginald
Sperry, Robert
Sritharan, Sri
Faculty Affiliate, BEC , Institute for Transportation
Distinguished Professor, Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
Stanton, Gary
Steffes, Bob
Stevens, Larry
Stewart, Timothy W.
Stewart, Richard
Stoner, J.W.
Storm, Brandon
Stout, Tom
Strauss, Tim
Strong, Kelly
Sturgill, Roy
Construction Engineer, CMAT , Institute for Transportation
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Sugumaran, Ramanathan
Suleiman, Muhannad
Sun, Carlos
Sweeney II, Donald C.
Taavola, Daryl
Takle, Eugene
Takle, Gene
Taylor, Peter
Director, CP Tech Center , Institute for Transportation
Research Professor, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Taylor, Gary
Thomas, Gary
Thompson, Jan
Tikalsky, Paul
Timmerman, Marc A.
Tirthapura, Srikanta
Trauth, Kathleen
Tritsch, Steven
Tsai, Yi-Chang (James)
Turkan, Yelda
Turner, Dennis
Twomey, Janet
Vallati, Manoj
Van Dam, Tom
Van Gerpen, J.H.
Velipasalar, Senem
Veneziano, David
Vennapusa, Pavana
Virkler, Mark
Wacker, James
Waggoner, Kathleen
Waid, Danny
Walter, Clyde
Walters, Russell
Walton, Scott
Wang, Kejin
PCC Engineer, CP Tech Center , Institute for Transportation
Distinguished Professor, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Wang, Pingfeng
Wang, Lizhi
Washer, Glenn
Weaver, Pat
Weiss, Jason
Wen, Zhiyou
White, David
Wiegand, Paul
Wiener, Gerry
National Center for Atmospheric Research , Institute for Transportation
Wies, Richard
Williams, Chris
Director, AMPP , Institute for Transportation
Professor, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Wipf, Terry
Wood, Jonathan
Faculty Affiliate, CTRE , Institute for Transportation
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering