InTrans / Jun 04, 2019

CP Tech Center releases next-generation Integrated Materials and Construction Practices (IMCP) manual

When the Integrated Materials and Construction Practices for Concrete Pavement (IMCP) manual was first released in 2006, the goal was to bridge the gap between recent research and concrete pavement production practices. Since then, it’s had a significant impact in the industry.

However, as the road-building environment has gotten more complex and research continues to advance, the National Concrete Pavement Technology Center (CP Tech) set out to update and refresh the manual.

The 2019 edition brings the newest information available and includes the growth and innovations that have been implemented into practice during the past 13 years. Like its predecessor, the manual provides practitioners with the best tools for designing, building, and maintaining concrete pavements using the best technologies available.

This next-generation IMCP manual adds a chapter on sustainability and offers significant updates on the development of test methods that evaluate the concrete mixture and the new pavement for the properties that govern performance. The structure of the manual is otherwise similar to the 2006 edition and organized for easy reference to applicable sections.

The updated IMCP manual enables readers to

  • Understand concrete pavements as complex, integrated systems
  • Appreciate that constructing a concrete pavement project involves several discrete practices that interrelate and affect one another in various ways
  • Implement technologies, tests, and best practices to identify materials, concrete properties, and construction practices that are known to optimize concrete performance
  • Recognize factors leading to premature distress in concrete and learn how to avoid or reduce them
  • Quickly access how-to and troubleshooting information

The manual is useful for engineers, quality control personnel, specifiers, contractors, materials and equipment suppliers, technicians, construction supervisors, and tradespeople alike.

The new Integrated Materials and Construction Practices for Concrete Pavement manual can be accessed here.