InTrans / May 16, 2010

Outdoor recreation planner

Go! Magazine

Whitewater raftersposted on May 16, 2010


A recreation planner plans, advises on, and coordinates the use of land and water resources to create inviting and functional outdoor recreational facilities. They pay special attention to protecting and enhancing the environment so that recreational facilities benefit people and wildlife. Their efforts result in functional outdoor park and trail systems. As a recreation planner, you could help convert abandoned railroads into recreation trails.


If you are interested in recreation planning, you should take high school courses in economics, social sciences, biology, and earth science. Beyond high school, you’ll also need a 4-year college degree in recreation resource planning, parks and recreation management, planning, public or business administration, landscape architecture, or a related field. Some positions also require a graduate education in outdoor recreation planning or a related field, such as sociology, forestry, landscape architecture, biology, park administration, conservation, civil engineering, or urban planning.


A recreation planner earns an average of $41,000 per year based on experience and education. Senior level planners (who usually have a master’s degree and 12 or more years of experience) earn up to $98,000 per year.

By Will Rose, Go! Staff Writer

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