Driving the future: The cons of virtual reality

Go! Magazine posted on March 31, 2017 We are in the Information Age, also known as the Computer or Digital Age, defined as a period of our history characterized by the shift from industrialization to computerization in our economy and culture. In this new age, with each passing day, technology advances around us. Virtual reality…

Driving the future: The pros of virtual reality

Go! Magazine posted on March 23, 2017 Virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence could change transportation as we know it. The question is: Will it be a change for the better or worse? Virtual reality is a term used to describe three-dimensional (3D), computer-generated environments that can be explored and interacted with by its users….

Driving the future: What is virtual reality?

Go! Magazine posted on March 17, 2017 In the last 10 years or so, technology like smart phones, tablets, and computers have become an integral part of everyday life. Nearly 9 in 10 Americans are online, up from about half the population in the early 2000s. Roughly 77 percent of Americans own a smartphone, and…

Final frontiers: The Oregon Trail

Go! Magazine posted on February 24, 2017 Exploring uncharted territories can be a risky business. These predominantly unexplored lands—like outer space and the deep sea—are known as “final frontiers.” But to truly understand these final frontiers and what they mean for us today, we have to understand the frontiers of days past. In present day…

Final frontiers: Under the sea

posted on February 17, 2017 This month we’re talking about final frontiers! Exploring a final frontier means discovering the land of the unknown. The namesake of the “final frontier” (i.e., outer space), was a good place to start the conversation, but we actually know less about a territory that’s a little closer to home; I’m…

Final frontiers: Space odyssey

Go! Magazine posted on February 10, 2017 “The final frontier” is a description of space used in Star Trek, a science fiction TV show. In this article series we’re talking about different “final frontiers,” or, in other words, we’re exploring the largely unknown territories of this world (and beyond). What better place to start than…

Before we were here: The New World

Go! Magazine posted on January 31, 2017 In the Common Era, you could say transportation took a different course. In the last thousand years or so, early European explorers took to the seas. Taking long-distance ocean voyages between continents meant that vessels used for these early explorations needed to be sturdier than ever before. But…

Before we were here: CE transportation

Go! Magazine posted on January 25, 2017 We’re traveling back in time to the beginning of the Common Era (CE)! In this article, we’ll be taking a look at transportation inventions created during the first 1,000 years of the CE. In fact, you’ll soon discover how strikingly similar some of the earliest CE transportation is…

Before we were here: BCE transportation

Go! Magazine posted on January 19, 2017 We’ve talked a lot about transportation throughout the world today, but where did it all start? When looking at transportation through the centuries, one thing we know for sure is that transportation had to start somewhere; so what were the earliest transportation innovations in recorded history? Transportation thousands…

5 Questions with…an air traffic controller

Go! Magazine posted on December 30, 2016 When we’re flying high in the sky, how does air traffic control (ATC) help keep us safe during severe weather? I spoke to Bobby*, a tower air traffic controller at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago, Illinois. Bobby has been an air traffic controller for nearly eight years, but…