Carlos Sun
About the research
The Highway Safety Manual (HSM) is a national manual for analyzing the highway safety of various facilities, including rural roads, urban arterials, freeways, and intersections. The HSM was first published in 2010, and a 2014 supplement addressed freeway interchanges. The HSM incorporated the safety modeling results from several National Cooperative Highway Research Program projects that used data from various states across the nation. The HSM recommended that individual states calibrate the HSM to local conditions on a regular basis. An initial statewide calibration for Missouri was finalized in 2013. The current recalibration effort builds upon the previous calibration and is designed to keep the calibration values up to date with the most current crash data and calibration methodologies. The current effort also involves the development of crash severity distribution functions so that crash frequencies can be estimated according to the severity categories of fatal, severe injury, minor injury, and property damage only. HSM calibration is a labor-intensive effort that requires the collection and use of detailed data such as road geometrics, traffic volumes, traffic signalization, land use, and crash frequency and severity. This report documents the details of the methodology employed for facility site selection, data collection, data processing, calibration, and severity assignment. Sixteen facility types were calibrated. These included rural two-lane segments with the related three-leg and four-leg intersections; rural multilane segments with the related three-leg and four-leg intersections; urban two-, four- and five-lane arterial segments; urban and rural four-lane and urban six-lane freeway segments; urban three- and four-leg signalized intersections; and urban three- and four-leg unsignalized intersections. The calibration results indicated that the HSM predicted Missouri crashes reasonably well, with the exception of a few site types for which it may be desirable for Missouri to develop its own safety performance functions in the future.
Funding Sources:
Midwest Transportation Center
Missouri Department of Transportation ($145,977.00)
USDOT/OST-R ($145,743.00)
Total: $291,720.00
Contract Number: DTRT13-G-UTC37
Project Details
Midwest Transportation Center
Ray Mundy
About the research
This research sought to evaluate the broad impacts that automated and connected vehicle technologies can have on both the motor carrier and rail industries. The studies look at potential safety considerations and infrastructure needs that will be required to support the mass adoption of these emerging technologies, as well as the potential costs and benefits as they come into the market.
Using large truck crash data from 2013 through 2015 obtained from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, chi-square automatic interaction detection (CHAID) decision trees were estimated to examine the effect of autonomous vehicle (AV) and connected vehicle (CV) technologies on motor carrier crash severity. Results suggest that the greatest contributory predictors of crash severity outcomes are driving too fast for conditions, distracted/inattentive driving, overcorrecting, and driving under the influence of alcohol. If these circumstances are altered by AV and CV technologies, it is suggested that between 117 and 193 severe crashes involving large trucks could be prevented annually in Missouri alone. To render such safety benefits, key vehicle needs include autonomously controlling acceleration and steering, monitoring of the environment, and responding to dynamic driving environments without the need for human intervention. Importantly, the safe operations of a system that can perform such AV and CV tasks require readable lane markings, traffic signals and signs, managed or dedicated lane usage, and dedicated refueling and/or recharging facilities.
Further, since the development and adoption of these technologies are likely to be gradual, three phases of adoption were posited and analyzed. Depending on the degree of autonomy that is available, the motor carrier industry could achieve up to a 42.1% reduction in average cost per mile. And if fully autonomous technology was made available for use in the motor carrier industry, it is estimated that the American rail freight industry could see a 19% to 45% drop in demand.
Funding Sources:
Midwest Transportation Center
USDOT/OST-R ($25,000.00)
Total: $25,000.00
Contract Number: DTRT13-G-UTC37
Project Details
Iowa Department of Transportation
Midwest Transportation Center
About the research
The weights and configurations of large vehicles traveling the primary interstate system are known with relative certainty due to the information collected at numerous weigh stations. It is uncommon, however, that farm-to-market vehicles and other implements of husbandry (IoH) travel the interstate system; thus, an accurate assessment of the characteristics of these vehicles is left unknown. Since these vehicles commonly travel rural roads, and often at weights exceeding the legal limit especially during harvest, an accurate understanding of low-volume road usage is necessary to properly plan for the near-term repair and replacement of structures and roadways; even more, the information collected will help improve the long-term performance and asset management activities.
A recently completed pooled-fund project, which the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) was the lead state on, looked to assess the impact of implements of husbandry on bridges. Those efforts produced valuable information especially as it relates to lateral load distribution. Even so, the project was largely completed using a database of virtual vehicles developed through information provided by equipment manufacturers and rule-of-thumb. Although it is believed the database generally represented current vehicles, the accuracy cannot be verified without direct measurement of all vehicles. Furthermore, one piece of missing information is the frequency with which those vehicles cross low-volume road bridges.
The objective of this project was to develop a portable weigh-in-motion system using a rural road bridge to estimate the characteristics of vehicles traveling these roads. A unique instrumentation setup was utilized with strain gages placed on the bottom face of the deck as well as on the top and bottom flanges of the girders, which allowed for the application of algorithms for vehicle classification determination. Further classification of the IoH vehicles is made possible by actual determination of specific vehicle type based on strain response and the corresponding number and spacing of axles. This vehicle information provides actual loading and corresponding bridge response and, thus, maintenance decisions and actual structural demands can be properly selected based on existing traffic types and frequencies. The system developed for this project can be deployed on rural bridges for realistic traffic classifications.
Funding Sources:
Iowa Department of Transportation ($60,462.00)
Midwest Transportation Center
USDOT/OST-R ($60,360.00)
Total: $120,822.00
Contract Number: DTRT13-G-UTC37
Project Details
Iowa State University
Midwest Transportation Center
Ran Dai
Jing Dong-O'Brien email >Transportation Engineer, CTRE
About the research
Current technology in traffic control is limited to a centralized approach that has not paid appropriate attention to efficiency of fuel consumption and is subject to the scale of transportation networks. This project proposes a transformative approach to the development of a distributed framework to reduce the balanced fuel consumption and travel time through hybrid control on speed limit and ramp metering rates. It proposes to integrate the roadway infrastructures equipped with sensing, communication, and parallel computation functionalities in the new traffic control paradigm.
The research approach builds on three essential objectives that will jointly lead to a solid theoretical and experimental project to establish energy-efficient traffic control methodology:
- Implementation of distributed control framework in large scale transportation networks
- Simulation of dynamic traffic flow and performance tracking under implemented control signals using real traffic and vehicle data
- Data analysis and sustained strategy improvement
Going beyond the existing distributed architectures where precise dynamic flow models and fuel consumptions have not been considered, the work generated traffic control strategies to realize real-time, macroscopic-level traffic regulation with high precision.
Simulation results demonstrated reduced fuel consumption and alleviated traffic congestion. The feasibility of the proposed optimization method was verified through Vissim simulation that considered different traffic volumes and random seed parameters.
Pingfeng Wang
About the research
The objective of this project is to develop a Highway Incident Management System (HIMS), through collaboration with the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) Traffic Management Center (TMC) in Wichita, Kansas. The anticipated functions of the HIMS are to 1) convenient extraction of specific incident-relevant record data from high-dimensional, high-volume time-series datasets, (2) autonomous analysis of online traffic-related data (e.g., volume and speed) for incident diagnosis/identification, and (3) autonomous optimization that facilitates traffic control decision making, to reduce average incident clearance and traffic recovery time. In this investigation, a total of 182 actively logged incidents, together with the traffic information from multiple online monitoring facility units during the month of April 2015 in Wichita will be used to facilitate the model and technology development.
The outcomes of this research will be the following:
(1) Analysis results of the online traffic data, for the development of related computational models for modeling the highway incident clearance and recovery times
(2) A technical tool to analyze the online traffic related data for highway incident diagnosis/identification
(3) A model with technical tools to facilitate traffic control decision making that can help reduce the average incident clearance and traffic recovery time
Project Details
Deep Foundations Institute
Midwest Transportation Center
University of Missouri - Columbia
Andrew Boeckmann
J. Erik Loehr
About the research
A-walls are a slope stabilization technique involving a series of deep foundation elements installed in a failing or marginally stable slope using an A-shaped pattern of alternating inclinations. A-walls have been used to successfully stabilize several noteworthy slopes, but analysis of the walls is complicated by several complex load-transfer mechanisms. These complications have dissuaded engineers from using the promising approach.
The Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) has funded a study by the University of Missouri to improve analysis techniques for A-walls using computer code developed by the university. The MTC effort will be used to develop improved design practices for A-walls, which will be valuable for transportation agencies that face significant risks and costs associated with slope instability. The objective of this project is to develop improved design guidance for A-walls, which will be a valuable tool for departments of transportation (DOTs).
Ran Dai
Jing Dong-O'Brien email >Transportation Engineer, CTRE
About the research
Current technology in traffic control is limited to a centralized approach that has not paid appropriate attention to efficiency of fuel consumption and is subject to the scale of transportation networks. This project proposes a transformative approach to the development of a distributed framework to reduce fuel consumption and travel time through the management of dynamic speed limit signs. The project proposes to integrate the roadway infrastructures equipped with sensing, communication, and parallel computation functionalities in the new traffic control paradigm.
The research approach was built on three essential objectives to establish an energy-efficient traffic control methodology:
- Implementation of a distributed control framework in large-scale transportation networks
- Simulation of dynamic traffic flow and performance tracking under implemented control signals using real-time traffic and vehicle data
- Data analysis and sustained strategy improvement
Going beyond the existing distributed architectures where precise dynamic flow models and fuel consumptions have not been considered, the work generated traffic control strategies to realize real-time, macroscopic-level traffic regulation with high precision.
Simulation results demonstrated reduced fuel consumption and alleviated traffic congestion. The feasibility of the proposed optimization method was verified through Vissim simulation that considered different traffic volumes and random seed parameters.
Funding Sources:
Iowa State University ($71,102.00)
Midwest Transportation Center
USDOT/OST-R ($70,047.00)
Total: $141,149.00
Contract Number: DTRT13-G-UTC37
Praveen Edara
Carlos Sun
About the research
Effective signage that is easily understood facilitates safe driving through a work zone. While the guidance for work zone signage in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) is suitable for many conditions, there may be instances where alternative signage may be more effective at enhancing safety. This project evaluated the use of alternative signage for closure of a middle lane in a freeway work zone on a bridge rehabilitation project on I-170 in St. Louis, Missouri. The alternative signage displays the lane arrangement in a single sign, while the MUTCD recommends using two signs to direct the movements to the left and the right sides of the work area. The evaluation of the alternative signage included stakeholder and driver surveys, operational and safety analyses, and the collection and analysis of field videos to assess driver behavior.
The analysis of field videos showed that drivers may have adapted to the alternative sign because the rate of lane changes decreased between the early and late periods of construction. Stakeholder interviews found that personnel from the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) and the contractor generally thought that the alternative sign communicated information more clearly but had mixed opinions on whether the use of the sign improved safety. Drivers did not express any concerns regarding the use of the alternative sign through a website that collects feedback on MoDOT work zones. A review of crash data found that crash patterns during the work zone period were similar to the crash patterns before the work zone was in place, and the use of the alternative sign did not appear to be a contributing factor in any work zone crashes. Analysis of Regional Integrated Transportation Information System (RITIS) traffic data found that use of the alternative sign did not have an impact on travel times in the vicinity of the work zone. Overall, the evaluation found that the alternative sign communicates information clearly and does not cause any adverse impacts to work zone safety and operations.
Funding Sources:
Midwest Transportation Center
Missouri Department of Transportation ($75,000.00)
USDOT/OST-R ($75,052.00)
Total: $150,052.00
Contact Number: DTRT13-G-UTC37
About the research
The Second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) Naturalistic Driving Study (NDS) data provides a unique opportunity to evaluate the relationship between driver and roadway characteristics in a manner not previously possible. These data provide a detailed record of driver and roadway characteristics during actual crashes/near-crashes as well as providing a snapshot of normal driving behavior.
This study is using the SHRP2 NDS and accompanying Roadway Information Database (RID) with a focus on speed and distraction from the perspective of the driver and roadway geometry and countermeasures from the perspective of the roadway.
Funding Sources:
Iowa Department of Transportation ($525,000.00)
Midwest Transportation Center
USDOT/OST-R ($50,000.00)
Total: $575,000.00
Contract Number: DTRT13-G-UTC37
Project Details
Lambert - St. Louis International Airport
Midwest Transportation Center
University of Missouri - Saint Louis
L. Douglas Smith
About the research
Airside performance at major airports is affected by a large number of interacting factors in three major spheres of airside activity: (1) airport operations control (AOC), (2) maintenance services, and (3) air traffic control (ATC). AOC is responsible for assignment of preferred parking sections (with associated terminal gates). It is also responsible for sending planes to alternative parking spots when there is not a gate available in the preferred section for an arriving aircraft. Maintenance personnel provide turnaround services and deploy tractors for pushbacks at gates and for airlines that require such service. ATC determines how runways are used for arrivals and departures according to wind conditions and coordinates aircraft traffic for safe operation. Smooth operation requires close cooperation among these three spheres of activity. In this report, we describe a discrete-event simulation model and supporting analytical tools designed to help airport planners, operations directors, and air traffic control specialists collaborate in maximizing airside performance.
Funding Sources:
Lambert – St. Louis International Airport ($10,000.00)
Midwest Transportation Center
University of Missouri – Saint Louis ($20,000.00)
USDOT/OST-R ($20,000.00)
Total: $50,000.00
Contract Number: DTRT13-G-UTC37