Local Agency Bridge Innovation and Demonstration Days

Completed Buffalo Creek Bridge, provided by Brian Keierleber, Buchanan County Engineer

The Iowa Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP), along with the Buchanan County Secondary Roads Department, with funding from the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) regularly host a free Local Agency Bridge Innovation and Demonstration Days event.

Local agency representatives and others from throughout Iowa and surrounding states are invited to attend this event. The tentative agenda each year typically includes national/state perspectives, research discussions, and local agency implementation experiences with a wide variety of efforts. It also includes a tour of the bridge innovations that have been applied throughout the hosting community.




Held June 14–15, 2022 in Independence. | Event Page

Iowa State University Bridge Research Overview and UpdatesJustin Dahlberg, Bridge Engineering Center

Iowa DOT Experience with Ultra-High-Performance ConcreteJim Nelson, Iowa DOT

Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) Road and Bridge Update – Kevan Stone, National Association of County Engineers

Penetrating Sealer Performance Criteria on Bridges: A New Perspective – Peter Taylor, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center

Cost-Effectively Increasing the Long-Term Durability of Highway BridgesDavid Dixon, D2 Marketing

Bridge Maintenance/Repairs in Buchanan CountyBrian Keierleber, Buchanan County

Strengthening of Local Bridges in Wisconsin to Remove Load PostingsAlex Pence, Wisconsin DOT

Press Brake Tub Girders: Increasing Service LifeJeff Simkins, Valmont

Non-Composite Steel Bridge Solutions for Rural County BridgesDavid Stoddard, Short Span Steel Bridge Alliance

Held virtually June 23–25, 2020. | Event Page

To access the full webinars, fill out the brief forms for the following day:

Day 1 Webinar – Link
Day 2 Webinar – Link
Day 3 Webinar – Link

Prepared videos are available at the following links:

Perspectives on Bridge Building in Iowa

  • Chris Cromwell, Iowa FHWA Division (Video)
  • Nicole Moore, Iowa DOT (Video)
  • Doug Miller, Kossuth County (Video)

Epoxy Injection Repair Demonstration
Eric Souhrada and Dewight Jones, Iowa DOT (Video)

Local Experience Case Studies with Excavator Attachment Vibratory Pile Driving

Tour of Innovative Bridge Construction in Buchanan County, Iowa
Brian Keierleber, Buchanan County Engineer, offers a look at a variety of bridges: